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Information about STEREO-A close approach to Earth, August 2023


Where is STEREO Today?

Positions of STEREO A and B for 19-May-2024 11:00 UT

Plot of spacecraft positions

This figure plots the current positions of the STEREO Ahead (red) and Behind (blue) spacecraft relative to the Sun (yellow) and Earth (green). The dotted lines show the angular displacement from the Sun. Units are in A.U.

When the two spacecraft are close to Earth, an expanded view of the region around Earth will appear on the right, in the same orientation as the Sun-centered view.

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                                STEREO-B           Earth        STEREO-A       Parker SP   Solar Orbiter     BepiColombo

Heliocentric distance (AU)      1.048428        1.011760        0.955772        0.740490        0.777529        0.316736
Semidiameter (arcsec)            915.301         948.474        1004.034        1295.936        1234.202        3029.744

HCI longitude                    146.337         162.987         176.302         254.663         332.988         329.804
HCI latitude                      -4.198          -2.129          -0.388           3.734           6.809           3.410

Carrington longitude             171.759         188.410         201.724         280.085         358.410         355.226
Carrington rotation number      2284.523        2284.477        2284.440        2284.222        2284.004        2284.013

Heliographic (HEEQ) longitude    -16.651          -0.000          13.314          91.676         170.001         166.817
Heliographic (HEEQ) latitude      -4.198          -2.129          -0.388           3.734           6.809           3.410

HAE longitude                    221.873         238.624         252.048         330.437          48.173          45.397

Earth Ecliptic (HEE) longitude   -16.752           0.000          13.424          91.813         169.548         166.773
Earth Ecliptic (HEE) latitude     -0.164           0.000           0.078          -3.262           3.482          -0.248

Roll from ecliptic north          -0.548                          -0.329
Roll from solar north             -6.579                          -7.566

Light travel time to Earth (min)           2.514           1.968                  10.584          14.815          10.996

Separation angle with Earth               16.752          13.424                  91.810         168.990         166.770
Separation angle A with B                         30.177

Carrington rotation 2284 runs from 2024-05-06 11:35 (DOY 127.48) to
2024-06-02 16:44 (DOY 154.70), as seen from Earth.

Last Revised: Sunday, 19-May-2024 11:01:06 UTC
Responsible NASA Official: [email address: Therese.A.Kucera<at>nasa<dot>gov]
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