about STEREO-A close approach to Earth, August 2023
Event lists
This page contains links to event lists maintained by the instrument teams or
other researchers. For more data sources, please check out our main data page.
SolarSoft Latest Events
- EUVI event catalog
CME Catalog
- Dual-Viewpoint CME Catalog from the SECCHI/COR
- CACTUS: Computer Aided
CME Tracking (including
- Institute for Astrophysics Gottingen
UGOE COR2 CME database
- Institute for Astrophysics Gottingen
Coronal Mass Ejection Kinematic Database (KITKAT) and
COR2 Catalog
- SECCHI/HI CME and CIR Event Lists
- STEREO Earth-Directed CMEs
- IMPACT/PLASTIC Level-3 event lists (ICME, SIR,
Shock, SEP, Suprathermal)
- SWAVES and WIND/WAVES Type II/IV Lists (on
WIND/WAVES website, no longer being updated, also archived
- STEREO and Wind WAVES type II bursts and the associated CMEs
- STEREO Space Weather Group
- SEEDS: Solar
Eruptive Event Detection System
- Solar
Limb Prominence CAtcher & Tracker (SLIPCAT)
- University of Helsinki
Interplanetary Shocks catalog
- LASCO CME catalogs
- The Virtual Solar
Observatory (VS0) has an option for searching by event
- HELCATS (catalogs for low corona, middle corona, HI FOV, in situ, etc.)
- GMU CME/ICME List with associated source regions
Back to main data page.
Last Revised: Tuesday, 06-Aug-2024 18:49:51 UTC
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