STEREO Weekly Meeting Minutes for 2008-02-05 (Week 6) ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- * Star tracker use will be suspended between tracks on Behind Feb 11-13, and on Ahead Feb 13-15 to collect data on the performance of the spacecraft without the star tracker. The test was shortened to minimize the effect on science. Sun pointing will still be controlled by the guide telescope, and only the roll should be affected. The roll should be maintained better than it was during the problems with the star tracker in December. It is expected that roll information in the attitude history files will be of sufficient accuracy for SECCHI data analysis, but it may be necessary to do some additional processing to get accurate roll values, such as processing the star tracker telemetry. INSTRUMENT AND SPACECRAFT STATUS -------------------------------- * All subsystems on both spacecraft are nominal, except that the Ahead spececraft is currently operating on IMU #2. DISCUSSION AND OPERATIONS CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------- Week 5 * A problem occurred with the level-0 files being produced starting Friday, February 1st, where they didn't contain the correct data. The problem was traced down to a leap year issue, and the files have been reprocessed. * C&DH macro updates were loaded to RAM on both spacecraft on Jan 30. These changes will allow downloading more star tracker data, and will also use the telemetry to more efficiently bring down SECCHI data. * The average daily downlink was 7.4 gigabits on Ahead, and 7.2 gigabits on Behind. Week 6 * New gyro drifts were loaded to Ahead. * The 11th momentum dump will be performed on Ahead on day 37 (Feb 6). * There will be a PLASTIC flight software load to Ahead on Thursday, day 38 (Feb 7). * There will be a G&C parameter change on Behind to allow new gyro drift terms on Thursday. Week 7 * The G&C parameter change will be applied to Ahead on Monday. * Star tracker use will be suspended between tracks. See announcement above for details. * Macro updates will be written to EEPROM on both spacecraft on day 44 (Feb 13). * Behind will reach perihelion on day 47 (Feb 16). Week 8 * A SECCHI stepped calibration roll will be performed on Behind on day 50 (Feb 19) at 09:45 UT. Week 9 * Nothing unusual Week 10 * Nothing unusual COORDINATED OBSERVATIONS ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 06: M Feb 04 (035) T Feb 05 (036) W Feb 06 (037) Ahead: Momentum dump 13:45 UT T Feb 07 (038) F Feb 08 (039) S Feb 09 (040) S Feb 10 (041) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 07: M Feb 11 (042) T Feb 12 (043) W Feb 13 (044) T Feb 14 (045) F Feb 15 (046) S Feb 16 (047) S Feb 17 (048) Notes: * Star tracker use will be disabled on Behind Feb 11-13, and Ahead Feb 13-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 08: M Feb 18 (049) T Feb 19 (050) Behind: SECCHI stepped calibration roll, 09:45 UT W Feb 20 (051) T Feb 21 (052) F Feb 22 (053) S Feb 23 (054) S Feb 24 (055) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 09: M Feb 25 (056) T Feb 26 (057) W Feb 27 (058) T Feb 28 (059) F Feb 29 (060) S Mar 01 (061) S Mar 02 (062) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 10: M Mar 03 (063) T Mar 04 (064) W Mar 05 (065) T Mar 06 (066) F Mar 07 (067) S Mar 08 (068) S Mar 09 (069) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming events: 2008: SECCHI Stepped calibration rolls Ahead: Apr 1, Jun 24, Sep 23, Dec 16 Behind: May 20, Aug 26, Dec 2 * Dec 2007-May 2008 Ulysses quadrature * Mar 20 - Apr 16 Whole Heliosphere Interval Mar 20-26 JOP 201, Linking Corona to Solar Wind at Ulysses Mar 27-Apr 2 JOP 202, Origin of the Slow Solar Wind Apr 3-9 JOP 203, Coronal hole boundaries *or* JOP 206, Low-latitude coronal holes Apr 10-16 JOP 204, Energetics and dynamics of quiet Sun Targets of opportunity: JOPs 205, 206, 194 * Apr 21 - May 16 SUMER campaign * Oct 6 Messenger - Mercury fly-by