STEREO Weekly Meeting Minutes for 2008-04-15 (Week 16) ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- * The weekly telecon that would normally take place on April 22 will be canceled because of the STEREO Science Working Group meeting in Paris. INSTRUMENT AND SPACECRAFT STATUS -------------------------------- * All subsystems on both spacecraft are nominal, except that the Ahead spececraft is currently operating on IMU #2. DISCUSSION AND OPERATIONS CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------- Week 15 * SECCHI software load 5.08 was successfully uploaded to both spacecraft on day 100 (April 9). * On day 104 (Apr 13), during the station 34 pass on Ahead, it was noted that the PLASTIC telemetry rate, current, and high voltages were all lower than expected. The PLASTIC team reports that the instrument got stuck into an anomalous state for an unknown reason, and stopped talking to the IDPU. The instrument was reset yesterday (Apr 14), and the team is now in the process of bringing the HVs back up. So far everything looks nominal. * An IMPACT LET software patch was loaded on Behind on day 98 (April 7). * The average daily downlink was 7.0 gigabits on both Ahead and Behind. Week 16 * Fixes are being uploaded to macros to bring down more G&C data. This will be done on Behind today (April 15), and on Ahead tomorrow (April 16). Week 17 * No unusual activities. Week 18 * No unusual activities. COORDINATED OBSERVATIONS ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 16: M Apr 14 (105) JOP 204, Energetics and dynamics of quiet Sun Ahead: Beginning of PLASTIC recovery T Apr 15 (106) JOP 204, Energetics and dynamics of quiet Sun W Apr 16 (107) JOP 204, Energetics and dynamics of quiet Sun End of Whole Heliospheric Interval T Apr 17 (108) F Apr 18 (109) S Apr 19 (110) S Apr 20 (111) Notes: * Whole Heliosphere Interval, Mar 20 - Apr 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 17: M Apr 21 (112) T Apr 22 (113) W Apr 23 (114) T Apr 24 (115) F Apr 25 (116) S Apr 26 (117) S Apr 27 (118) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 18: M Apr 28 (119) T Apr 29 (120) W Apr 30 (121) T May 01 (122) F May 02 (123) S May 03 (124) S May 04 (125) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming events: 2008: SECCHI Stepped calibration rolls Ahead: Jun 24, Sep 23, Dec 16 Behind: May 20, Aug 26, Dec 2 * Dec 2007-May 2008 Ulysses quadrature * Mar 20 - Apr 16 Whole Heliosphere Interval Mar 20-26 JOP 201, Linking Corona to Solar Wind at Ulysses Mar 27-Apr 2 JOP 202, Origin of the Slow Solar Wind Apr 3-9 JOP 203, Coronal hole boundaries *or* JOP 206, Low-latitude coronal holes Apr 10-16 JOP 204, Energetics and dynamics of quiet Sun Targets of opportunity: JOPs 205, 206, 194 * May - July SUMER/Hinode campaign (TBD) * Oct 6 Messenger - Mercury fly-by * Nov 1-Dec 15 SUMER campaign